My Visit to the Banner

Greetings all my fellow blog readers!As I am in Pennsylvania this weekend (see the most recent post!) I got to finally take a trip to the US office of the Banner of Truth in Carlisle, PA. I have been in e-mail contact for over a year now with Steve Burlew, the Manager of the US office. He has been an encourager and a prayer warrior for me during some recent tough times this past year. I had to meet the guy who has been so helpful to me in my walk in Christ.


Steve (pictured above) is a wonderful and godly man. He took me around for a tour of the place, and then we went up to his office and talked and prayed even though I know he was busy with other things (the big Yellow truck had just come that morning with a huge shipment from Scotland!). He was a big encouragement to me. On days with shipments (and with the birthday of an employee) Steve got pizza and I was able to fellowship with the whole Banner staff. It was truly a great time.

I was able to pick up a number of Christmas presents for people from the store (and a few things for me from the “Secret Shelves” of 50% discounted “dinged” books). All in all… a great day!

You can read Steve’s blog which includes information about Banner books and places where Banner will be here at Trophies of His Grace. And of course, you can order Banner books from their website (if you are in Canada, Sola Scriptura is the Canadian distributor for the Banner).

Steve also gave me a number of the Puritan Paperbacks which I will be reviewing each month on my blog as part of a new series called, Growing in Christ with the Puritans. Look for the first one toward the end of November!

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